Our database contains 70,188 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.
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The newest profiles in the salary survey
Gender | Position and category | Region | Company size | Age group | Basic gross monthly salary |
Payroll Clerk Economy, Finance, Accountancy | Bratislava | medium company (51 - 249 employees) | 25-34 | 2,000.00 EUR | |
Purchasing Manager Management | Bratislava | large company (250 or more employees) | 45-54 | 3,000.00 EUR | |
Process Manager Management | Bánovce nad Bebravou | medium company (51 - 249 employees) | 35-44 | 2,200.00 EUR | |
Design Technician Construction & Real Estate | Bratislava | small company (up to 50 employees) | 25-34 | 1,200.00 EUR | |
Team leader Management | Košice | large company (250 or more employees) | 25-34 | 2,700.00 EUR | |
Shift manager Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business | Bratislava | n/a | 1,500.00 EUR | ||
Site Manager Construction & Real Estate | Banská Bystrica | n/a | 45-54 | 2,400.00 EUR | |
Warehouseman Transport, Haulage, Logistics | Piešťany | large company (250 or more employees) | 25-34 | 1,300.00 EUR | |
Chief Accountant Economy, Finance, Accountancy | Košice | n/a | 45-54 | 1,080.00 EUR | |
Lawyer Law & Legislation | Banská Bystrica | medium company (51 - 249 employees) | 25-34 | 2,195.00 EUR |