How does the site work?
The methodology behind salary survey is a website where you can get salary comparisons for more than 700 jobs. The list of positions reflects the labour market in the Slovak Republic and is constantly updated.
This salary survey was created in 2007 under the name The author of the methodology for acquiring, collecting and processing survey data and their evaluation is Alma Career Slovakia s. r. o. The same collection methodology through salary portals is also taking place in the Czech Republic ( and Hungary (, as well as in 21 other countries and on the international portal
The target group of the portal are people on the labour market who want to compare salaries and companies that care about the fair setting of salaries of their employees.
Input data
People in the labor market have the opportunity to get a comparison of their salary with other employees in the same position and region. Anyone who indicates in the questionnaire that he has been working in the chosen position for at least a while becomes a respondent and receives a salary comparison with the average of the reference sample for free. It is formed by other respondents according to the completed position and region. If a respondent states that he does not work in the selected position, he is not a respondent.
The entered information is not interfered with in any way. All data in the salary survey is anonymous. The collection and processing of data fully respects the GDPR Directive on the processing of personal data.
The Slovak salary survey collects gross data. Thus, the survey does not include bonuses for self-employed persons or other forms of working time.
Output data
Before the calculations themselves, the data sample is "cleansed". At first glance, extreme values such as a salary of 100 EUR/month or 10 million EUR/month are filtered out. The second step of database cleaning is to detect duplicate questionnaires and extremes. Extremes are determined specifically for specific positions, taking into account the region (capital region, outside the capital region). The methodology for detecting extreme data (data trimming) is based on robust estimates of the parameters of the theoretical salary distribution of the position by region.
Salary data from questionnaires that have undergone cleansing enter the dataset for the regression model.
Regression model
The salary survey calculates total and basic salaries using quantile regression. This takes into account the links between positions, regions, company sizes, education, experience and age. This proven method allows you to estimate the amount of salary even with a small number of respondents in the desired sample.
The regression model calculates salary values at the position level if there are at least 50 respondents for it in the dataset. By default, the number of respondents in the position over the last 12 months is surveyed, but if it is lower, data for the last 24 or 36 months ontaking into account the development of wages over time are also taken into account.
The outputs of the regression model provide data according to the size of the company:
- small (up to 50 employees)
- medium (51 - 249 employees)
- large (250 or more employees)
For education levels, the regression model distinguishes:
- lower than baccalaureate education
- school-leaving or post-secondary education
- university education
Experience in the position is judged according to three levels:
- junior (up to two years of experience)
- middle (3-5 years of experience)
- senior (more than 6 years of experience)
Estimation model
Paylab has developed a special way to estimate salaries where it is not possible to apply a regression model. Thus, if there is not enough data for the regression model, the salary data is estimated by the estimation model. This model makes a qualified estimate of the salary range in a position, while real data collected from respondents make these estimates even more accurate. The estimation model has its limitations, when it is not possible to display data by region and it is also not possible to calculate the basic salary on the position. As with the regression model, financial and non-financial benefits are calculated by classical statistics from collected data.
In what cases it is not possible to display the results
Despite the application of the regression and estimation model, it may happen that it is not possible to display information about the salary in a given position. This happens especially with new positions.
When comparing the salary in such cases, we offer the user a document in which we give him advice and tips on how to negotiate the salary. The user has the option to request that a salary comparison be sent automatically once the salary can be estimated. All you have to do is provide his email address where we will send him a link to compare his salary.
Outputs for people
The basic information from the portal is the salary range in the country in the position. After filling out the salary comparison questionnaire, the user gets to a free comparison of the total gross salary - whether expected or actual. The outputs are displayed directly on the website. In this case, the comparison reflects the specified position and region.
The output also contains an overview of salaries according to experience and education, shows the relative provision of non-financial benefits in a given position taking into account the region. Information on non-financial benefits will be displayed for at least 15 respondents in the last 12 months in the selected sample.
The output for people also includes advice and tips on how to negotiate a salary, preparation for a SWOT analysis of an employee, etc. This output is suitable for those who are preparing for a job interview or a meeting with a manager at which they would like to deal with a salary increase.
Outputs for companies
Outputs for corporate clients are offered by the Salary Tool. It is possible to purchase a Salary Report for 1 position, or access to 20 (Salary Tool 20) or all positions (Salary Tool Unlimited) available in the Salary Tool.
In addition to the position and region, the output also takes into account the requirements for experience and company size, education and summarizes the basic overview of remuneration in the chosen position. It displays both basic and total salary, and in addition to the average value, the salary distribution can be seen by expressing the basic percentiles:
1st decile - 10% of employees earn less than the stated value1. quartile - 25% of employees earn less than the given valuemedian - half of employees earn less/more than the given value3. quartile - 25% of employees earn more than the stated value9. decile - 10% of employees earn more than the indicated value
The graph shows what is the distribution of employees in the wage bands to the given position, from which it is possible to deduce the current situation on the labor market.
The Pro salary report also contains the basic percentiles of the total salary according to individual indicators:
- according to practice,
- by education,
- by region
- according to the size of the company
- by age
always taking into account other specified criteria.
All the above mentioned data in the report are based on the regression or estimation model. Another output in the Salary Tool is an overview of non-financial benefits, which can be displayed if there are at least 15 respondents in the sample for the position.
In the case of financial benefits, it is evaluated what proportion of respondents receive a given salary component: variable salary component and 13th salary, respectively annual bonuses, and what is the median amount of these salary components. These values can be displayed if there are at least 10 respondents in the sample taking into account the selected position, region, experience, education and company size.
How to order a Salary Report or Salary Tool
The salary report for 1 position can be purchased online when paying by card via Stripe or by invoice. When making an online payment, the output is displayed immediately on the page in the user's newly created account (if the client already has an account on the, the report is ordered directly from it), at the same time a payment confirmation email is sent, which also includes a PDF with the purchased report and the creation of the account. If the client states that he wants to purchase the report on invoice, the payment is first processed and the client gets to the report in his account after the payment is credited, and the whole process can take up to two working days.
As already mentioned, by ordering the Salary Report, the client automatically creates an account in the Salary Tool. Access data is sent by email. Through the Salary Tool, the client has access to all purchased Salary Reports.
The salary tool for 20 positions or all positions can be ordered online or via e-mail [email protected].
From the Salary Tool, it is also possible to purchase a Salary Report for a country that is not prepaid as a whole. It is also possible to purchase access to salary data for several countries.
Salary analyses tailored to the company
The salary survey allows to export data based on various criteria, which is often used for media needs. The collected data and flexibility of the system gives companies the opportunity to provide companies with various and non-standard analyses tailored to the company. For information about such analyses, please contact [email protected].
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